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Radiology Society


RadiologySoc aims to improve radiology knowledge and awareness of radiology as a career. We organise teaching sessions to help prepare for the data interpretation examination and career talks. Follow our Facebook page for interesting cases and radiology events, including conferences!


Our History

The University of Sheffield Radiology Society was established in March 2017 by a group of students with a common interest in radiology. We felt that having an undergraduate-level specialty representative was of vital importance. Radiology receives little exposure throughout medical school, and the rapidly advancing sub-speciality of interventional radiology even less so. We aim to advertise and inform students of the profession through careers talks, image interpretation sessions and clinical sessions. Additionally, for senior students, we would like to provide sessions focusing on clinical radiological scenarios as well as image interpretation in preparation for exams and starting work as a junior. We want doctors leaving Sheffield to feel comfortable with image interpretation and have a working knowledge of the scope of the speciality.

How to Get Involved

Check out our facebook page for the latest updates!