Sheffield University Paediatrics Society

Hello! We are Sheffield PaedSoc, a society dedicated towards all things paediatrics! Throughout the year we host talks from Sheffield’s leading paediatricians, covering topics from paediatric specialities and careers to electives and working abroad. In the autumn term we host the annual paediatric revision lectures for 3A and 3B exams.
Every year we support a local charity, providing members with lots of opportunities to get involved with fundraising. This year we our charity is Haven, which supports children and young people who have been affected by domestic abuse that has taken place in their parents’ or other significant adults’ relationship.
It is £5 for a lifetime membership, which you can buy at any point during the year by emailing us or at one of our events, and it allows free entry to our talks and priority to get involved with any of our volunteering opportunities.
Upcoming events include:
Bake sale for our chosen charity, Haven 01st October 10am-2pm Med School reception
A career in paediatrics with Dr Clarke, 14th October 1830 MLT3
Paediatric fluids and blood gases revision with Dr Burn, 04th November 1830 MLT2
Nov – Paediatrics exam revision, date and time tbc
Future events also include:
Paediatric electives and SSCs
Paediatric emergencies
Assessing a sick child
Revision pub quizzes
Final year mock OSCE
…and more!